View Full Version : FD RX7 Microtech ECU starting problem. Help!

05-24-2010, 11:50 AM
I have recently rebuilt my 13b and replaced my stock twin turbos with a single. When i took the engine out I labelled every wire and connector in the engine bay and these are the only wires I touched, none inside the car. I have finished everything and everything is back in and connected, have started the engine and everything went fine.

Problem: At one point the engine completely died while idling, followed immediately by a strange rapid on and off buzzing sound from the ECU, along with the rev neddle bouncing around with the buzzing. Everytime the buzzing got more intense the higher the neddle would go, right up to its limits. After this we walked round checking all connections in the engine bay which were fine. Put the key back in and turned it to accessory mode but did not crank straight away, checked for buzzing which wasnt there anymore so I started engine and it idled fine for 20min.

Problem part 2: After no more evidence of the 1st problem, it was time for a test drive! Drove up and down the street a couple times and whilst driving the needle was bouncing again but engine still on, a minute later the car died while I was driving and same problem again.

Currently: Everytime I put the key in and turn it 2 clicks(accesory mode) I get the buzzing sound and bouncing neddle, now usually at this point the microtech lt10s has a green light which is on to represent it has power but not now the buzzing is there. Strange thing now is as soon as I turn the key right off the green power light comes on, the buzzing stops, the radiator fans start going and I can even hear fuel going thru for a few secs, all this that usually happens in accesory mode before cranking, but everything on the dash has powered down. I can take the key right out and the ECU stil has green light etc, only way is to disconnect neg battery terminal. Also the starter stil cranks but engine wont cause of buzzing, and battery is fully charged from battery charger.

Anyone have any ideas? any help at all would be mint:confused:

black rocket
05-25-2010, 04:54 AM
Do you have electrical diagram? I'd compare and double ck.

05-27-2010, 06:52 AM
Finally sorted the problem it was just a ground that wasn't tight enough. Cheers